Thursday, October 6, 2011

my long lost blog

since my discovery of "instagram" nothings been the same.  I love the immediacy of the editing, the easy sharing, and the one-click "like" buttons. .. however.... something is lost .  it's simply another "facebook way" to get attention. don't get me wrong, I crave the little comments as much as the next guy.  but I like my images to exist in solitude sometimes.  i want my shadows and reflections to be their own company. to never expect anyone to see how they float and dance on the page. i need my blog like a 8 year-old girl needs her diary.  and in my distraction with life's "real photos" i forgot how cathartic it is to stop and remember the other side of who I am.   that girl with insecurities about her mis-shaped toes and soccer-player calves, can create a comedic gesture of freedom in imperfection.  my shadowed past is set free through Christ: to play and touch and love fully.

1 comment:

  1. ...and it's the little "imperfections" that I find so damn cute.
